Turtle Women Rising 2011: Sacred Earth: Many Beats, One Heart
Sacred Earth: Many Beats, One Heart Turtle Women Rising 2011 Dawn, October 7 October 10, 2011 bəsčətxwəd, Olympia, Washington (5th and Water Street) Join us at the buschuthwud (pronunciation in Lushootseed) meaning (place of the) black bear, a gathering site (Potlatch) for many Coastal Salish tribes: Chehalis, Nisqually, Duwamish and Squaxin. Let our prayers restore this area, once an estuary, as we vision the ancient canoes coming back to this sacred place. Come share this vision of peace. As the Elders tell us, it is time for us all to come together and share. We are Turtle Women Rising, Rising for Peace We gather again in 2011 and call upon our many communities to come together for 4 days and nights of ceremonial drumming and prayer. All are welcome, all traditions, all nations. TWR is an Indigenous womenled collective committed to praying and playing well together for the return of peace and harmony