How to fix door cracks clicking sounds in 4 steps with electrical tape, DIY Alfa Romeo
How to resolve and fixthe problem of terribleclicking noisysounds of the door check straps (when door cracks while opening 00:06)with electrictape for only 1 euro I tookmyAlfa Romeo 159 as example, however, it is suitable for other brands and models with a similar door check strap construction. Descriptions and timecodes: Step 1: 00:16 Remove the door check strap. Unscrew 2 sheathing nuts with 17mm wrench, remove lower trim, unscrew2 nuts with 10mm wrench, 2 torxbolts 6mm, get the door check strapthrough the opening. Step 2: 00:57 Disassemble the door check strap. Remove the clips, take out the springs, take out the plastic bosses. Due to the fact that they grind around the radius, they make these terrible clickingsounds. Step 3: 01:18 Wrap the bosswith electrical tape. Clean, degrease and wrap in one layer with electrical tape. Do the same on the second opposite side. Add lubricant to the lock and hinge. Step 4: 02:05 Install backthe door check strap. Put everything in place, tighten a