The Pearl Demon XR Bass Drum Pedal is your direct path to rapidfire bass drum performance. Its strippeddown machine shop design has been developed in conjunction with the world s top drumming talents to deliver a faster, smoother stroke and enhanced rebound in extreme musical situations. Delivering the ultimate in Speed, Rebound, and Accuracy, the Pearl Demon XR (for Xtreme Response) Bass Drum Pedal is a true TripleThreat in bass drum pedal performance. The result of a twoyear research and development project with drummer George Kollias, its streamlined machine shop design and fluid directdrive action delivers a faster, smoother stroke. Its enhanced rebound action comes from the exclusive interchangeable hightension spring, which makes repeated strokes effortless in the most extreme musical situations. Primed for the hightempo technicality, the Pearl Demon XR is perfect for any drumming style where precision and endurance are key. The DirectDrive Triple Threat