The Vampire Diaries, , Womanizers
WATCH IN 720P. Trust me. You won t see half the effects if you don t. After working so hard on this video it is finally done. I have never worked so hard on a video. I loved playing around with effects and doing something original and different. I truly hope that you all will love this video. I am pleased with the outcome for once, and I never like my videos. I hope you all love this video as much as I do. It may seem like there limited scenes of some of the guys, but I m sorry. I used all the scenes I could and the majority of hot scenes belong to Damon in the show anyways; ) It would make my day if you all commented, rated, favorite and shared this on twitter and reblogged from my tumblr. I would be so happy, I really have missed vidding and this video has reminded me how much I have. You have no idea how great it felt when I went to upload this. Enjoy Dedicated to my best friend Ginny (blover16) Go sub her She rocks I o br, br,