SAINTS ROW Game Awards Gameplay Trailer
Officially revealed at The Game Awards, our brand new Saints Row gameplay trailer gives you a glimpse of the crews journey to Saintdom, sneak peeks of customisation and a buckets of those onlyinSaintsRow moments you know and love. In Santo Ileso, you either have the power, or you want to take it. The Saints are on a path to dominating this city, and you need to lead them as whatever Boss you want to be, this is Saints Row after all. We are serving up Saintonfaction action as we show off just some of the ways you can head off against your rivals there are so many options from explosive weaponry and brand new guns to an upclose and personal takedown or swift melee assault. The many ways to dispatch your enemies to the Santo Ileso in the sky isnt all weve got in our arsenal, weve got highspeed vehicle action including boats, cars, ariel assaults and of course, chaosinducing tanks. In just 2 minutes you are gonna see: New sandbox reveals including helicopter tether thefts.