My Heartbreak , Mother Rana Calls Loudly for Father Monkey Secret to Help after Giving Birth Of Baby
Hello Everyone Today, Monkey Troops channel will bring you the story of My Heartbreak , Mother Rana Calls Loudly for Father Monkey Secret to Help after Giving Birth Of Baby. In this video is presenting you of mother monkey Rana who gets so tried after giving her birth of newborn baby for several hours. Rana was calling for Secret monkey so loudly as she gets so heavy to carry both of children that one is newborn and another baby is Ratin. Hearing from this calling, her Secret comes and tries to help carry baby Rartin and goes away with him. ,MonkeyTroops, Ranafamilymonkey Also, in this video, I would like to share with you about monkey lifestyles such as wild and pet monkeys, so you can find out here about animals for searching and for knowledge, educational and entertainment purposes anytime anywhere. Please help us by comment to improve my videos in this channel, All videos created are the original or real life of animal such as monkeys and it doesn t contain copyright