156, Silence A Past Embrace ( Official Music Video)
A Past Embrace by 156, Silence. Stream the single here: , sharptonerecords, 156silence, apastembrace Directed By: Kyle Hines This isnt grace. This isnt a place to feel safe or give praise. This is a past embrace. I attempt to be cordial. In a sense, I wish I could just fucking exit this existential dread Ive been given. Its all that I have within, all I am. Sometimes Im feeling violently sick. Its just the taste of blood. The shade it stains. The fix I seem to crave. The views that fade. I thought that things could change. I thought we paid. I guess I still have time to bleed. Drown the fleet. I detach myself from everyone that still has hope left in me. My dreams are plundering. Wondering how to cross this off if I cant even keep my focus. Im choking on this and probably bothering all that have to watch. This is exactly how I pictured the scene. My roads are crumbling. How could we come this far to fall back into whats been on