V, pres. Nixon Starts His Election Tour (1960)
California and Hawaii, United States of America V, PRES. NIXON STARTS HIS ELECTION TOUR Los Angeles, California: Two GVs. of massed crowds waving banners and holding placards saying Nixon for President, etc. LS. Vice president Richard Nixon (later President of USA) and his wife descend aircraft steps. GV. Massed Crowds. CU Nixon talking to another man. LS. as Nixon attempts to get through massed crowd. LS. as Nixon attempts to get through massed crowd. MS. Taken from behind Nixon on on balcony overlooking massed crowds. Whittier, California: LS. Platform with Welcome Home Dick over the top. Night shots, of Nixon and his wife driving along in opentopped car. Travel shot along waving crowd at night. Night shots as the drive along in open topped car. Overhead panning shot of massed crowds. MS. as Nixon is kissed on cheek by his mother. Honolulu, Hawaii: LS. Crowds at Honolulu airport. WS Islanders holding flower wreaths that spell DICK. MS. Nixon with flowers around his neck waving to crowds