Czech Weighted Workout Battle ( CWWB) 2019 PART II
COMPLETE RESULTS: CWWB 2019 PART 2 SLOWMO energy and Main disciplines On at PRAGUE Czech Republic Most complex and strict Weighted Calisthenics LEAGUE set another year behind and new history was just created once again Full body test of all disciplines and also separate European records were executed by the best of the best European Workout athletes. Legendary results including new World Records by Matvey Zlatoverkhovnikov(Russia) and Bogdana Kowalchuk(Ukraine) were set this year at VTGYM on CWWB 2019. Competitors were chosen from over 115 registrations. Mainly we invited the strongest and most strict top level European Weighted Workout athletes from various fields Powerlifting Streetlifting Rawlifting Street Workout Raw Workout Calisthenics and even Freestyle and other sports spheres. All European Strict Weighted Records and results are OFFICIAL and confirmed by Inte