Chris Hemsworth Taika Waititi on Thor: Love and Thunder s 4 Hour Cut
With Marvels Thor: Love and Thunder opening in theaters July 8th, I recently got to speak with Chris Hemsworth and writerdirector Taika Waititi about making the MCU sequel here in Los Angeles. Since Id heard the movie had a lot of deleted scenes, I decided to use some of my limited time to ask them about it. Thankfully, they were more than happy to share why their fourhour cut of the film didnt work (they sacrificed story for jokes) and how it played like a Monty Python sketch. Now before you start petitioning Marvel to release the longer version, you should realize every film has a much longer assembly cut (its where the editor includes everything that has been shot) and there is a reason fans never see them theyre not very good. The assembly cut is the starting point. And its where many filmmakers think they have a disaster on their hands. But over the course of many months, and sometimes over a year, the film slowly comes together and all of a sudden you have the final product. That