Jim Caviezel Died After Being Struck by Lightning While Filming Passion of The Christ Movie
Jim Caviezel reveals neverbeforeheard details about the iconic film The Passion of the Christ, and the remarkable incidents surrounding its production. From a chilling encounter with lightning striking him on the cross to a profound outofbody experience, Caviezel unveils the astonishing journey behind the scenes. The intensity of the film alone is aweinspiring, but discovering the authentic accounts of his crucifixion and the lightning strike leaves you pondering the remarkable odds. The immense pain endured by Caviezel throughout this extraordinary film underscores the indomitable strength he possessed and the unwavering faith he embraced in portraying his role. Support the Shawn Ryan Show for 5 and get the chance to watch the shows AD FREE, with the exception of Shawn s personal reads, before they release Additionally, you will get behind the scenes footage from the Shawn Ryan Show. Sign up here: Please leave us a revi