Karlheinz Stockhausen Evas Zauber ( Audio + Full Score)
Karlheinz Stockhausen Evas Zauber (Eve s magic), Nr. 58 (198486) Act 3 of the opera Montag aus Licht (Monday from Light) Scored for bassethorn, alto flute with piccolo, choir, children s choir, modern orchestra (3 synth. players, 1 perc. , tape) Children s Choir of Radio Budapest (Janos Remenyi, choir master) Zaans Kantatekoor (Jan Pasveer, choir master) Coeur de Basset (basset horn) Suzanne Stephens Pied Piper (flute) Kathinka Pasveer Scene 1: Botschaft Message has a series of four situations. Scene 1a: Botschaft Evas Spiegel 0:00 Eve s Mirror; Eve, as Cœur de Basset, moves as in a dream over the fresh green lawn until she sees her reflection in the waterfilled glassware. Fascinated by her mirrorimage, she begins to play, as a male chorus appears and sings, Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is fairest of them all . Scene 1b: Botschaft Nachricht 2:57 News; Women rush in and rep