Cute Killer Animals
Adorable but dangerous animals. They re cute, cuddly, and thirsty for blood Check out more awesome BuzzFeedBlue videos MUSIC Whos The Bossa Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. STILLS Slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) hanging, close up, captive, Asia Anup Shah, Thinkstock Loris nattanan726, Thinkstock Large male leopard seal sea on an ice pilipenkoD, Thinkstock CASSOWARY Magic Colors, Thinkstock TwoWattled Cassowary GNNick, Thinkstock Giant anteater JackF, Thinkstock Young red kangaroo (9 months) Macropus rufus Eric Isselée, Thinkstock Giant Panda (18 months) Ailuropoda melanoleuca Eric Isselée, Thinkstock Giant Panda (6 months) Ailuropoda melanoleuca Eric IsselTe, Thinkstock Side view of Great Horned Owl, Bubo Virginianus Subarcticus. Eric Isselée, Thinkstock Baby boy posing Brian Carpenter, Thinkstock SOURCES