Putin warns, United States is looking more like Soviet Union
Putin warns, United States is looking more like Soviet Union The Duran: Episode 1000 United States follows Soviet Unions path Putin The problem of empires is that they think they are so powerful that they can afford small inaccuracies and mistakes, he said , Putin, SPIEF, USSR, TheDuran 10 OFF ALL DURAN SHOP MERCH. Use below code at checkout : REALNEWS BITCOIN: 3JvdnoyWMb93hSRgk58ZstUxg11PW9mKSr ETHEREUM: 0xF39BdFb41f639B82E3D2Bf022828bC6394F533A3 LTC: MGFiMC18ZViF6DcCixMqAAP11TG4tF6Acj ADA: addr1v94ayqu53uklgqnn6c4x4weu8zk4uw78km8capd5rjdc06q28j370 XMR: 88S7S5CX936Jmno6YLFsyj8nSe2oEvdMsSwqKcBTgw3JSuS1Vzt5XuxgqKuGtkc8G173cruEHZwtNbkyzdf4mzxQEfSyv6J EMC2: EXX4KK9pZLx7uiLWnCXtp7iMKjtq6o5b6R HEX: 0xD449694348B1D618ECa2829Bbc901782F5172689 CEL: 0xD449694348B1D618ECa2829Bbc901782F5172689 ALEXANDER MERCOURIS CHANNEL: ALEXS CHANNEL: THE DURAN SHOP: THE DURAN DISCORD