Dean Martin, born Dino Paul Crocetti (June 7, 1917 December 25, 1995), was an Italian American singer, film actor, and comedian. He was one of the most famous music artists in the 1950s and 1960s. He was often referred to as the coolest man who ever lived, and many people worldwide hung on to Dean Martins every smile. He was a magnificent singer whose voice oozed sensuality as he beguiled audience after audience with an aura of flippant nonchalance. Known as One of the crooners who embraced his Italian heritage the most, his smooth voice could croon his way through a ballad like no other, but when he s singing in Italian, that s when he truly shined. Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra were the best of friends, on and off stage. They respected each other they were not known to be jealous of each other, Sinatra made matching diamond pinky rings with his signature crest for the bosom buddies. Dean reportedly never took his off. The ItalianAmericans majority hailed largely from central and so