Songs for Winter Indie, Folk, Playlist, 2020
All song titles, times, and musician names are listed under the Show More tab Spotify 0:00Garrett Kato All 3:30Harrison Storm With 7:06Canyon City Ferris 11:00Big Brutus She 14:28AdiKeshet 19:13Joe Holtaway We Go 22:55Michael Baker Houses (7 25:49Marcus Lee For 34:03The Hollow Men Coming 41:50Far Pines Old 46:16DREUW Heavy Live 50:20William Lawrence Fool for 53:11Zack Hall Wastelanders 56:44St. Anthony Mann About, a 1:00:50Ohly 1:03:11Rain on Monday Seven All photos from First photo by Josh Hild Second photo by Federico Bottos Third photo by Joshua Earle Fourth photo by Michael Niessl Last photo by Cristofer Jeschke P. S, If you would like to make a small donation to my channel, it would be kindly appreciated. I make no money off my channel, otherwise. Working with copyright in the majority of my videos means that I am not in the YouTube partnership program, so I cannot monetize my channel, and make no money off of you so much for your support. Warm wishes, Foxxy.