Futuristic Lover Supernatural Collab Hot, , Katy Perry E. T
I was bored and extended my parts from a SPN Collab into an entire video. So it s kind of a collab but not really, you know lol You might notice that the colouring in the Sam, Ruby parts ind of sucks compared to the others, but silly me forgot to save the uncoloured version. Basically it s me going crazy with Duocolor and Framings Hope you like it. I needed a sexy video on my channel. Shippings: Dean, Stripper Sam, Ruby Castiel, Meg Dean, Tessa Castiel, Anna Dean, Cassy Sam, Madison Sam, Karen Dean, Anna Castiel, Prostitute Comment and rate, please Btw, have you guys seen the amazing first look at the western episode 6x17 at the paley festival FRIGGIN AWESOME