10 MIN ELEVATOR BOYS WORKOUT Fun Full Body, Abs, Cardio, Arms + Dance
5 pretty boys to make our workout life more fun and once you survive the workout its time to DANCE , Anzeige Young, cute very very nice: The Elevator Boys. They got famous on TikTok for posting handsome videos in elevators and now managed to shift their success to lots of other branches :) I got to know them at an event and was super surprised about how intelligent, kind fun they are Plus they are sporty and we all know what this means, woopwoop Song 1 with Jacob Bene: WARM UP, Legs, Abs, Cardio Song 2 with Tim Julien: INTENSE, Abs, Cardio Song 3 with Jacob Luis: MEDIUM, Arms, Cardio Song 4 with all boys: DANCE, shake your hips and slap that imaginary booty :D the moves are inspired by TikTok dances