Casablanca Communist Riots Grow (1952)
Casablanca, Morocco. GV. of Casablanca. . Street scenes in Casablanca. SV. Troops on guard in street. SV. Troops with guns on street corner. SV. Soldiers sitting near wall with large stick and gun. Burnt out truck. CU. Wrecked wheels. Rioters being marched away. LV. Police breaking up demonstration. GV. Police walking through Shanty Town. SV. Arab being searched by police. Police walking past shacks. CU. Police officer searching Arab. Towards prisoner being escorted away to Police Station. GV. Exterior of Police Station. SV. Police Officer questioning Communist suspects seated on floor. CU. Two suspects. SV. Communist thugs looking at seized knives and weapons. SV. Thug hands knife to officer. CU. Communist rebel. CU. Another rebel. SCU. Two thugs. SV. Knives etc. on table. SCU. Hatchet amongst knives. SV. Track in thugs looking at knives and weapons. N. B. some of these socalled thugs appear to have been quite brutally beaten. FILM