Nightwish Walking In The Air HD ( The Snowman)
Nightwish Walking In The Air (The Snowman) The Snowman is a movie from the 80 s. And I was very young when I first watched it. Maybe I was like 3 or 4 years old. The Snowman is the tale of a boy who builds a snowman one winter s day. That night, at the stroke of twelve, the snowman comes to life. The first part of the story deals with the snowman s attempts to understand the appliances, toys and other bricabrac in the boy s house, all while keeping quiet enough not to wake the boy s parents. The two then venture back outside and go for a ride on a motorcycle, disturbing many animals: pheasants, rabbits, a barn owl, a fox and a brown horse. In the second part of the story, the boy and the snowman take flight the song Walking in the Air appears at this point. They fly over the boy s town, over houses and large public buildings before flying past the Royal Pavilion in Brighton and a pier and then out into the ocean. They continue north past many sig br, br,