Wotan Lamps Factory (1910 1920)
Wotan lamps factory. Location of events unknown, possibly London. Exterior of factory with steam blowing out, pan across from tower to windows. MS girls on steps. MS horsedrawn carriage passing with Wotan on side. MS other carriages, one has Siemens on front, there is a poster on the wall which reads Tantalum is strength. Carriages advertising Wotan set off. MS workers leaving the factory, assortment of men and women. CU girl doing her job, cutting off strips from a long stick. CU machine turning. MS worker on roof. MS girl working. MS gates saying Siemens Brothers, door opens and workers rush out at end of day. CU s women at work, making small bulbs elements etc. , for lamps. CU as machines spin round. Good CU s women working. CU dummies advertising Wotan s, with weights swinging from their hands. CU woman moulding bulb. MS woman working on machine which produces flame, she fashions bulb. MS man turning the bulb and shaping it then adding element. FILM A VIDEO FROM BR