3dfx Promotional Contest: Lara Croft presents Voodoo 5 5500
When Lara brings you a brand new 3dfx Voodoo 5 5500 Source of video: Visit me on Twitter: 3dfx Press Release: And the Winner Is. .. Aaron Breceda, You Rock Aaron Receives 3dfx s Latest Voodoo5 Board HandDelivered by Eidos CyberVixen Lara Croft LA CRESCENTA, Calif. , May 14, PRNewswire, 3dfx Interactive Inc. (Nasdaq: TDFX news), today declared Aaron Breceda, 14, winner of the Win Voodoo with Lara Croft (SM) contest. Today, at 10 a. m., his grand prize, the full retail Voodoo5 5500 AGP package, will be delivered to his doorstep by Eidos Tomb Raider cybervixen, Lara Croft, in the flesh. Aaron is the first customer in the world to receive this hot, new, highend 3D graphics product featuring fullscene hardware antialiasing in such unparalleled fashion. The thrill of Aaron s enviable victory will be web cast live exclusive