Installing the Phone System of the World Trade Center ( Bonus Edition) ATT Archives
See more from the AT T Archives at Bonus Edition Introduction by George Kupczak of the AT T Archives and History Center A short film about the building of the World Trade Center AND the telephony challenges the construction posed. The Bell System had installed a, 1ESS Western Electric central office switching system within the towers. There are plenty of shots of the Towers being built, and then filled by companies, back in the 1970s. After 9, 11, it was reported that one of the few things to survive the WTC attacks was AT T s switching system, which was good because many people relied on the mainframe for their telephone connectivity. AT T s local network switching equipment that routes telephone calls was located in a deep subbasement of the Towers and somehow survived the collapse of the buildings. None of AT T s employees were hurt in the attacks. Footage courtesy of AT T Archives and History Center