Robin Schulz Felix Jaehn One More Time feat. Alida ( Making Of)
This making of shows how the music video to One More Time by Robin Schulz, Felix Jaehn and Alida was created. The song is taken from Robin s 2021 album IIII. Listen to the album here: Visit Robin Schulz here: Snapchat: robinschulzreal an A Current State production created and directed by Robert Wunsch CG Production One More Time: Lead Generalist Mark Scott markscottdsn (Shading Lighting, Groom, Environments) Generalist Daniel Poschinger dannyp3d (Character Creation Felix Jaehn, Cloth Simulation, Assets) Creative Direction Robert Wunsch Lead Character Animation Max Stöhr Compositing Tom Prendergast Motion Design Kiyan Forootan c, o Nextframe Studio Simulation Henry Me