Angel of the Earth ஜ Video: Ellen Vaman Music; Craig Pruess ( There may be strobes, flashing lights
. .. As we make our Sacred Passage into the Light, we are feeling the Oneness of all Beings. The boundaries of our Hearts and Minds are lifting and all is becoming Transparent. All is Revealed in the Light. The Truth is Now Received in the Silence of our Heart. Shannon Port Video, Art: Ellen Vaman Music: Angel of the Earth from the album by the same name: by Craig Pruess Ilyana Vilenksy, c Heaven on Earth Music , EllenVaman, VisionaryArt, CraigPruess, IlyanaVilenksy , Spiritual, Love, Light, NewAge, Consciousness, MusicVideo, Magical, Fantasy, Angel, Wings, Stars, ThirdEye, SacredGeometry, Fractals, Cosmos, PhotoAnimation, Gif, Ascension, HigherSelf, Butterfly, One 1054. 3