Soccer Pros Demand New Deal (1948)
Full title reads: SOCCER PROS DEMAND NEW DEAL. Various. Close up shot of football, pan up to Ronnie Rooke of Arsenal kicking. Crowd at match. General view, pan along the crowded stadium. Several shots of the football match. Close up shot of a player sliding ball over line. Close up shot of a boy fan cheering. Close up shot of James Guthrie, Players Union President talking (natural sound). He talks about the ways of solving the problem of professional footballers pay. Several shots of Tommy Lorton at play. He left first division team for less successful team with better pay says voiceover. Stanley Matthews at play he also changed teams and has income on the side. High angle shot of Wilf Mannion, England player, handing paper from briefcase to boss in office he gave up football for office job. Close up shot of Mannion. Close up shot of Mannion s boss. Mannion leaving office with briefcase and walks down road. Close up shot of Alf Stubbins, Liverpool player, digging in garden. Stubbi