Alex Midler Gives You The Santa Monica Tour, In The Cuts Presented By Door Dash
The Berrics is pleased to partner with DoorDash for a new series connecting you with Los Angeles neighborhoods, from the perspectives of skaters who live there. In the latest episode of In The Cuts pros Alex Midler and Kelly Hart go doortodoor to some of the cutty spots and local businesses that give Santa Monica its flavor. Located west of Downtown LA, this is the locals guide to the city. If you know, you know. Subscribe to The Berrics: Daily Videos and More: Shop The Canteen Like The Berrics on Facebook: Follow The Berrics on Instagram: Follow The Berrics on TikTok: Follow The Berrics on Twitter: , Berrics, TheBerrics, SkateboardingIsFun, SantaMonica, InTheCuts, DoorDash, LosAngelesSkateSpots