The Violent Crime Map of America: State Rankings Revealed
Have you ever wondered where your state stacks up when ranking the most dangerous The Most Violent These are kind of the same, but some studies include things like highway safety, workplace injuries, and a few other things. We aren t looking at that today; we are only looking at violence. Before you call a realtor and start looking for real estate, you need to watch this video. Violent crimes don t just affect the victims. Crime stats affect real estate prices, tax burdens, jobs, and a bunch of other things. all state in usa Great Videos: 10 Most Terrifying Swimming Spots: 10 Most Naturally Beautiful States: 10 Deadliest National Parks: Do you need a local Realtor for the area you want to move to I have teamed up with to help you find one that suits your needs. Use this link: Join to help support t