Irish Descendants Raggle Taggle Gypsy
Lyrics: There were three old gypsies; came to our hall door They came brave and boldeeoh And there s one sang high and the other sang low And the lady sang the Raggle Taggle gypsieoh It was upstairs and downstairs the Lady went Put on her suit of leatheroh It was the cry all around the door She s away with the Raggle Taggle Gypsieoh It was late that night when the Lord came in Inquiring for his Ladyoh The servant girl she replied to the Lord She s away with the Raggle Taggle Gypsieoh Oh then saddle for me Me milkwhite steed Me big horse is not speedyoh Tonight I ll ride to the wide open field and it s there that I ll spy my Ladyoh So he rode east. He rode west He rode North and south also It was when he rode to the wide open field It was there that he spied his Ladyoh Oh why did you leave your house and your land Why did you le