GTN (18 2015 competition of manual tea rolling 全国手揉み製茶技術競技会20
Japanese green tea is characterized by steaming at the start of processing. The way of processing steamed tea leaves was established in 1738, and in the beginning of 20th century has been literally translated into machine processing. Today manual tea rolling still remain useful to deeply understand the Japanese tea processing, though economically inefficient. Please see on this video how the steamed damp tea leaves gradually change into needlelike shiny Japanese tea. Most of the participants are qualified tea rollers such as kyoshiho, kyoshi or shihan. And in spite of making tea in the same condition, the quality of the tea they made vary considerably between tea will be examined by its shape, color, aroma, color of water and taste. Well, which team out of 26 teams won the first prize in 2015 日本の緑茶は加工の最初に蒸すのが特徴です蒸した葉を加工する方法は1738年に確立されました20世紀の初めにこの方法は逐語的に機械による加工に翻訳されました手もみ製茶は今日では商業的には成り立ちませんが製茶を深く理解する上で今でも大変役に立っています この動画では蒸された水っぽい葉が次第に針のように細,