Khajiit Gonna Steal Your Shit
Khajiit and Guards are voiced by Owen Flaherty: To make a video on Khajiit and to ignore the immensely deep lore behind this mysterious race of Tamriel would ve been a terrible mistake. That is the only reason why it took so long: all the research, calculating moon phases, stalking Todd Howards house and injecting MKs blood into my veins to showcase these wild cats using all the lyrical complexity I attained in previous videos. And then I tried Skooma. Track download: I have more TES vids in works (the one yall were recording Huna is dead for is on it s way) but I also want to expand to some other games and occasionally post original songs about how I love my mom and eating McDonalds. Any game deep lore shit ton of characters type games you wanna suggest