Yangpa Lee bo ram So yeon( T ara) I Know(알아요) ( Oh In Hye Ver. )
Корея окрыляяет The singer Yangpa is releasing her minialbum Together. The album consists of 5 tracks including I know by Yangpa Lee Boram Tara (Soyeon), Love is all the same by Yangpa Davichi Hanna, Parting is all the same by Yangpa Shin JongGook, My Love by Yangpa Shannon, and Wonderful Girl by Yangpa. The title song I know is a lyrical ballad with an accordion melody that stands out, sung by Yangpa, Lee Boram (former member of Seeya), and Soyeon from Tara, as they harmoniously combine their different tones. ヤンパイボラムソヨン(Tara) アラヨ知っている(ウンジョン Ver. ) 歌手ヤンパがミニアルバムTogether, 65 br, br,