Improving Latch By Improving Positioning: Introduction and Laid Back Breastfeeding ( Part 1 of 7)
From This is the first in a series of videos describing how effective positioning promotes effective latching. In this video I describe the basics of latch and how to position a baby in the laidback or biological nurturing position. The goal with any position is the get the nipple far back and to the roof of the baby s mouth. The baby s tongue must also be able to extend and cup the breast. The laidback position naturally demonstrates the most important aspects of an effective latch: The baby has full tummy contact with the mother s body. The baby feels stable. The baby s head is aligned with his spine, not turned or tilted to the right or left. The baby reaches up to take the breast. The baby is in a good drinking position with 2 fingerwidths between the chin and chest.