Not being interested in politics wont stop politics becoming interested in you. A tale from Belarus
Even in the age of mass communication and internet, we should never underestimate the power of rumours and disinformation whispered or otherwise in peoples ears One friend of mine from Belarus became almost hysterical with me saying that that thousands of random people are being taken off the streets and that secret crematoriums are working overtime and how she s afraid to go out, want s to move to Moscow to be safe but puts the anti Russian, pro west, flag on her profile I have never been interested in she said. Here all has suddenly become terrible No matter now I try to explain about the science of colour revolutions and the power of rumours and propaganda, nothing works Multiply this personal example by millions and see how easy it is to manipulate us if we haven t studied and prepared for it I already see signs that this friend is coming back to earth after a week or so out there. All that is needed is th