Learn HOW to MANAGE SPACE in Street Fights, NICK DROSSOS
LEARN DEFENSIVE TACTICS: Nick Drossos is distinguished as one of the most prized selfdefense experts in the world and founder of Nick Drossos Defensive Tactics System, combining a plethora of meticulously designed selfdefense techniques. Nick empowers his pupils with highcaliber skills that include awareness training, subjective assessments of violence, weapon defense, stress training, and reallife scenario drills. For two decades, Nick studied traditional martial arts such as Kung Fu and Taekwondo. He also trained boxing, Thai boxing, JiuJitsu, Mix Martial Arts, and diverse realitybased selfdefense systems, including Krav Maga. Honoured accolades extend to include Kettlebell, TRX, Fitness Kickboxing Canada, Yoga Fit and CanFitPro. Nick s practice and dexterity have also earned him international success as a prominent strength training coach, securing a dynamic kinship with professional MMA Fighter, Davis Dos Santos. Other highprofile distinctio