Here is another epic uplifting journey with amazing basslines and catchy melodies. We starting this trip with Tim Eric, a hidden gem from Finland whos track will push us right direction straight away followed by Artic Ocean and BiXX with their incredible new tunes. After that you ll probably know where we headed. No stoping us now and guys wait till the end, absolutely bangin tunes buy Independent Art and Blue Serigala. Definitely a proper festival banger Game Over with a familiar voice from ASOT events TRACKLIST 01. 00:01 Tim Eric Memorability (Original Mix) 02. 03:45 Arctic Ocean Stargazing (Extended Mix) 03. 08:17 BiXX Face Your Fears (Extended Mix) 04. 13:24 Mercurial Virus The Lion (Extended Mix) 05. 18:30 Kiyoi Eky Revolution (Extended Mix) 06. 23:08 Exouler Far Away (Extended Mix) 07. 28:42 FAWZY Daniel Kandi Nick V Harmony (Extended Mix) 08. 32:49 Jay Flynn For Those Left Behind (Orignal Mix)