Billie Eilish The Making of Therefore I Am, Vevo Footnotes
Billie Eilish The Making I Am (Vevo Footnotes) Bouncing around the mall with Billie Eilish sounds like fun, and as the singer moves from the pretzels to the donuts to the soda fountain, Therefore I Am becomes a portrait of a pop star fulfilling a few desires that we all have once in a while. This episode of Footnotes is an exclusive interview with Billie, who directed the action at the Glendale Galleria, which was shot on her mom s iPhone. Find out where she and her manager were when the idea for the shoot first struck them. Find out which designer made her outfit. Find out why she neve ate that pretzel she grabbed. Lots of tidbits waiting for you in Footnotes. Watch the Therefore I Am official video: Watch Billie Eilish music videos: Billie Eilish: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: YouTube: