Puddle Twins, Pip And Posy
You can watch Pip and Posy Weekdays at 7:45am on Milkshake When Pip and Posy go puddle jumping Pip persuades Posy to wear her matching wellies even though they are too small and uncomfortable for her. Click here to watch our latest episodes Click to Subscribe to Pip and Posy o Facebook: o Instagram: PIP AND POSY Welcome to the Pip and Posy official channel Meet Pip and Posy, a mouse and a rabbit whose lives revolve around a wonderful world of play Packed with warmth and humour, the series is a joyful celebration of their great friendship, its laughter and games, its ups and downs. The new series has been created by the Oscar nominated and BAFTA winning producers of the much loved animated films: The Gruffalo, The Gruffalo s Child, Room on the Broom, Stick Man, The Highway Rat, Zog, The Snail and the Whale, Zog and the Flying Doctors, and Revolting Rhymes. , PipAndPosy, Ax