Jon Snow Tribute, , Gladiator Go T
You know nothing, Jon Snow. Well hey there, you guys voted for an action packed Jon Snow tribute, so here we are. I put in every fight scene I could think of that had any meaning. I really hope you enjoy it. Havent done a Game of Thrones tribute for 20 months or so. Jon and Bronn are my favourite characters and I hadnt done an edit for Aegon Targaryen yet, so I thought: what the hell, why not Only 3 more episodes remaining and Im afraid our beloved bastard might bite the dust again, lets hope not. , JonSnow, KitHarington, GameOfThrones, GoT, Season8, Daenerys, TheLongNight I now have obtained the goal of a 1000 subs, and I m grateful for that. But now you have to ask yourself: Do I have enough faith in this editor to left click my mouse once on that subscribe button . If that is the case, then I would be honored to call you my subscriber