Unity2 D Dialogue System Names, Portraits, and Layouts using Ink Tags, Unity + Ink tutorial 2021
In this video, I show how to manage NPC Names, Portraits, and Layouts using Ink Tags for a Dialogue System built in Unity. This tutorial uses a Dialogue System built in a previous tutorial. If you re just starting out with building a dialogue system for your game, I recommend watching the other video first (see below links) and then coming back to this one afterwards. This tutorial also uses Ink, which is an open source narrative scripting language for creating video game dialogue that integrates nicely with Unity. Thank you for watching and I hope the video was helpful TIMESTAMPS 0:00 Intro 1:25 How it s going to work 2:53 Project Overview 3:51 Adding to the UI 6:19 Creating an Ink file with Tags 8:37 Parsing the Tags 10:50 Setting the Speakers Name 11:26 Setting the Portrait 14:00 Setting the Layout 16:43 Resetting to Defaults 17:28 Outro DIALOGUE SYSTEM WITH CHOICES TUTORIAL VIDEO Here s the tutorial where we built the Dialogue System being used for this video.