2 minutes 2 discover 123: Rue du Temple, Paris, France
2 minutes 2 discover 123: Rue du Temple, Paris, France. A virtual walk in the 3rd and 4th arrondissement, along the rue du Temple, Paris, France. If you like this channel, you can support me with a little tip via PayPal: Walked streets and places seen: Rue du Temple, Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Church, Square du Temple Elie Wiesel, upsidedowntownparis by Daniel van der Noon, Place Renée Vivien, Museum of Jewish Art and History, Hôtel de SaintAignan, Mahj, Rue de la Verrerie, Rue de Rivoli, Hôtel de Ville, BHV Marais. , ruedutemple, saintelizabethofhungarychurch, museumofjewishartandhistory, bhv, paris, france, parisvlog, WalkInParis, ParisWalkingTour, ParisWalk, CityWalk, VirtualWalkInParis, ParisStreetTour The full lenght version: Hope you enjoy it, and if so, feel free to subscribe and like the videos. Good viewing to all