Потолок ледяной, дверь скрипучая Поёт Эдуард Хиль Eduard Khil. Potolok Ledianoi. Zima
Zima. Trololo man. Genius Russian singer Eduard Khil, Eduard Hil, is singing beautiful Russian song Potolok Ledianoi, Dver Skripuchaya Zima Joke Humour Joyful song Dancing music Superb, the most exelent performance. New Year Eve in 1968 on Russian Television, Moscow, Russia. Very pozitive, high energy performance, very elegant style of the singer and dancers. World class high cultural and lyrical heritage of the Russian people One more great video from Trololo man His Russian name is Eduard Khil ( Hil ) His other popular song is Potolok Ledianoi Dver Skripuchaya Za Shershavoi Stenoi Tma U Lesa Na Opushke Zila Zima V Izbushke Ona Snezki Solila V Beriozovoi rare video редкое видео Trololo man singer Eduard Khil is a great Russian singer with unbeleivable resource of high energy and positive human optimizm. Plus this Trolo man Russian singer Eduard Khil always select only the most beautiful Russian songs with the most brilliant, fantastically beautiful melodies of R