羊羔毛斗篷) Weaving a Cloack with Fluffy and Soft Lambswool, Never Dread Winter Anymore, Liziqi Channel
Liziqi Channel Cloack with Fluffy and Soft Lambswool A couple days ago, I took some silkwoven bags uphill and traded them with residents there for lambswool, which was then knitted and dyed to weave a cloak. I created this easy method where you make braids before sewing, just so you are guaranteed to succeed even if you dont have much patience You can pull off any handwork projects with this simple and fast method, whether its making clothes, blankets, or scarves. 蓬松柔软的羊羔毛织一件斗篷便不怕寒冬的风雪, 李子柒官方频道 前些