Beginners Edition, Common Japanese Words, Opposite Words
Let s learn words commonly used in daily life with their opposites Learn it out loud and actually use it in your daily life as well. Learning Japanese for Beginners, Video Summary 00:04 big small 00:17 good bad 00:29 expensive cheap 00:42 wide narrow 00:54 heavy light 01:06 shallow deep 01:18 long short 01:30 hot cold 01:42 light dark 01:55 early late 02:07 strong weak 02:19 clean dirty 02:31 far near 02:44 hard soft 02:56 warm cool 03:08 new old 03:20 true false 03:33 young old 03:45 dry wet 03:57 foolish wise 04:09 happy unhappy 04:22 loud quite