CGI Animated Short Film: Pawn by Zishu Xiang, CGMeetup
CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Pawn Animated Short Film by Zishu Xiang at The School of Visual Arts. Featured on CGMeetup Gallery The concept of this film was derived from some of my thoughts about life and public events. I have been staying in the United States during the pandemic, and many big things have happened in the past year. Inexplicable hatred, illusion and reality, truth and lie. As an ordinary person, how should I deal with the dilemma And what is the ending I need to face I have no idea. Credits: Zishu Xiang 2021 graduate from School of Visual Arts, New York Website: or Team members: Zishu Xiang: Director Omar Habbak: Composer Nicholas Flores: Sound Design SUBSCRIBE to CGMeetup for more inspiring content Watch More CGI VFX Animated Short Films: