China is able to trace your Airdrops Threat Wire
OPEN FOR LINKS TO ARTICLES TO LEARN MORE Support ThreatWire endingwithali Twitch: Twitter: Everywhere else: If you want to help Ali with her research project email her at Please include (1) the size of your company (2) what your role title is and (3) a little summary of what your job entails. ThreatWire Patreon has moved to 00:00 Intro 0:12 SEC Twitter (x) Hacked 1:52 IT kind of does their job and gets in trouble 3:16 China is able to trace your Airdrops 4:09 Outro LINKS Story 1: SEC Twitter (x) Hacked Story 2: IT kind of does their job and gets in trouble Story 3: China is able to trace your Airdrops Bonus Story Founded in 2005, Hak5 s mission is to advance the InfoSec industry. We do this through our award winning educational podcasts, leading pentest gear, and inclusive community where all hackers belong.