Choosing SOFT CORALS Which Ones to Keep Why Beginner Budget Reef Tank
It s time to put some corals in your tank. We recommend you start with forgiving soft corals before you move on to the rest. Know what your getting into when choosing soft corals. In this video we discuss which corals you should start with, which ones you should avoid and why Pro Tips Corals Caution Needed Pulsating Xenia, Green Star Polyps, Sponges, Mushrooms. Zoa, Palytoxing Poisoning is Real Never boil, cook rocks for any reason. Photosyntheic corals don t need to be feed coral foods. If you enjoyed this video make sure to: (SUBSCRIBE) (LIKE) (COMMENT) Subscribe on Youtube Product Links Starter Kit Live Aquaria Shop with Us Website Facebook Instagram If you have a request related to equipment in this video, or this video in general, email , saltwateraq, saltwateraquarium, budgetbuild