Robot Dog Electronics 3 D Printed Open Source, 2
The first 200 people to sign up to Brilliant using my special link will get 20 off: It s time to install the electronics in openDOg V3, the third version of my 3D printed, open source, robot dog. I ve using six ODrive Robotics BLDC motor drivers to drive the 12 axis for the robot dog s legs. The microcontroller is a Teensy 4. 1 with an MPU6050 and an NRF24L01 radio chip. Next time I ll be working through the inverse kinematics and making it walk. You can support me on Patreon or buy my Merchandise: Patreon: Merchandise: Affiliate links I will get some money of you use them to sign up or buy something: Matterhackers 3D printing supplies: Music for your YouTube videos: Other socials: