Nuremberg The Verdicts 1946, Movietone Moment, 1 October 2021
On this day in 1946, the International Military Tribunal, meeting in Nuremberg, delivered its verdict. Here is a British Movietone report covering the highlights of that day. A military cordon was thrown around the Court House in Nuremberg as the hour for the verdict approached. The first to be sentenced was Goering and later Hess s verdict was delivered in Russian. KS American guard closes door. Exteriors of the courthouse. American guards and sentries etc. Around the Courthouse, troops in tanks, armoured car, troops with fixed bayonets. Patrol in jeep. All armed. Interior shots of the Courtroom. Defendants walk downstairs covering their faces. Goering and Ribbentrop. Goering enters dock. Hess enters dock. Court ordered to stand as the Tribunal and Judges enter court. Pan from prosecutors to Judge Lawrence. Lawrence speaks on the crimes. MS Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop. Hess begins to move about in pain (his stomach). CU Hess. MS defendants as their names are called out and the charges read to them. Biddle re