FOOD FIGHT Flinging Glimmer Bairn and tokens at opponents in Modern Jund Asmo Combo MTG MH2
I play a Magic the Gathering Online Modern league with Jund Food Fight, a valuecombo deck from Patreon subscriber BeYourGaard This deck takes the classic Jund Asmo Food shell and drops the Urza s Saga grind for a Glimmer Bairn + Fling combo Academy Manufacturer makes the token count out of control, Mayhem Devil pings everything small, and Glimmer Bair takes to the skies to dome opponents for their entire life total. This deck is a blast MH2 MTG Decklist: Find the cards you need and support this channel on TCGplayer: Try this deck yourself on MTGO with the Cardhoarder loan program: 0:00 Intro 0:57 Deck Tech 5:37 Round 1 20:14 Round 2 34:57 Round 3 46:54 Round 4 57:50 Round 5 1:13:01 Final Thoughts Business inquiries: Youtube Membership: Hit the JOIN button below the video Patreon: Twitter: Merch store: https: